how it all started…

Don’t ignore the spark & don’t ignore the pull…

What started as a small fire burning within me, quickly consumed my every being.

Growing up in rural Montana, agriculture is everywhere. If you weren’t a farm kid, you probably had best friend that was, possibly a teacher that was married to a rancher, or you took a summer job fencing, baling hay, and moving cattle. Even if you didn’t have the first clue about ranching, your spring weekends consisted of being thrown into a branding corral to wrestle a calf… or have it wrestle you! It’s one of the many reason my soul is bound to the Big Sky Country and this way of life.

You don’t have to be raised in it, you just have to love it!

After 6 years in the beauty industry, I couldn’t ignore the pull to the agricultural world anymore. As intimidating as it was to leave the life I’d built behind, I jumped in head first. I bought my first herd of 65 cows, moved 300 miles away to a ranch in eastern MT, and said '“here goes nothing!” Failing at this wasn’t an option for me. I could bend. I could twist, but breaking… Nah.

I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, failed at a few of Mother Nature’s tests, but I’ve always tried to find the lesson in it all. Started with the crazy rodeo of the mother/daughter duo in the middle of nowhere Montana (which should have been a tv show!). Then colliding with my soulmate, getting married, moving the moo’s to our current farm, and raising babies. It has been one heck of a ride, and I’m loving every minute of it.


meet robin… the little bottle calf that solidified it all!


Robin was born a survivor. She was a twin and got left behind by her mom. Every time I’d go check cows she would be nursing from any cow that would let her, making me think “hmm, maybe that’s her mom?”

Eventually, I figured out she was just robbing milk from any cow she could and needed to be brought into the barn to get a full meal. Hints her name “Robbin’ Milk Robin”.

This little red calf found her way deep into my heart. Robin is now 6 years old. She has gained many titles over the years… Lead Cow, Pet Cow, Grain Hound, & My Barn Cow.

She continues to bless this farm with her babies; Emma and Andie, who both will become future momma’s Mollman Farm.

Robin was a smaller framed cow, I had her bred by a miniature Highlander so her first calf wasn’t to big. The results Emma….

Meet our sweet Emma, who will be expecting her first calf this spring!

Emma introducing herself to her little sister Andie.